A Little Christmas Magic by Barbara Ankrum

A Little Christmas Magic by Barbara Ankrum

Author:Barbara Ankrum
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Tule Publishing
Published: 2017-11-06T00:00:00+00:00

“You could have called me,” Trey demanded in a low voice. “Given me a head’s-up.”

“No service.” Mick spoke in an equally hushed tone, tossing his duffle on the bed. “I’m sorry for barging in on you this way. I didn’t think she’d be here. Turned out your friends had a cancellation that unexpectedly rebooked their room, and they needed mine. Dan Hanley sent along the Christmas tree as an apology. Threw it in the back of the pickup that drove me here. Say, have you ever met his daughter Emma? She’s a—”

“Focus. What are you going to do about Holly?”

Mick glanced at the doorway and whispered, “Me? What are you gonna do, you mean?”

“Don’t worry about me. I can take care of things on my end just fine. It’s your end I’m worried about. You’ve gotta tell her no. You changed your mind.”

“Of course I will. I just don’t think doing that right here, in front of you, is our best strategy.”

“Strategy for what?” Holly asked, appearing in the doorway holding Mick’s glass of wine. “And what are you two whispering about?”

Trey cleared his throat. “We’re not whispering. We were just discussing...”

“—where to put that second tree, since you and Trey already got one,” Mick finished. “Trey didn’t want to hurt your feelin’s cause my tree is so much prettier.” He grinned in that roguish way of his.

With a side look at Mick, Trey lifted his hands, palms up.

“I see,” she said, handing Mick his wine with a laugh. “I’m not jealous of the tree, Mick. And this house is plenty big enough for two. Trees, that is.”

“You are right about that,” he said, lifting his glass and taking a gulp. “She’s right about that, isn’t she, Trey? See? No need to get all bunched up about it.”

Bunched up? Trey fumed. I’ll give you bunched up.

“I should be getting back to the hotel,” she said.

“So soon?” he and Mick asked in unison.

“It’s getting late.”

“I could use a few things in town. Maybe I should take you,” Mick volunteered. “I could borrow Trey’s car and—”

“I’ll take her,” Trey said, cutting him off. Mick squinted at Trey as he took Holly’s arm and led her out of the room. “We were kind of in the middle of something when you showed up.”

“Sure, I totally get that, but—”

“If Mick needs to pick up a few things in town, I don’t mind,” she said.

“Can’t be that urgent. Right, Mick? I’ll drive him in tomorrow. If he needs a toothbrush, I have a few spares.”

Holly side-eyed Mick as they reached the living room, and Trey handed her coat to her.

The doorbell rang just then. “Who the hell...?” Trey muttered and pulled open the door.

Cowboy stood on the stoop, brushing snow from his short, dark hair with a big smile on his face. “Hey-hey,” he said, taking in the three of them. He reached for Trey’s hand and shook it, pulling him into a hug. “Brother. Holly. Hey, Mick. Any of you miscreants got five bucks I can borrow for my cabbie? I’m a little bit short.


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